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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

--page 4-- Suicide go to page 1- 2- 3- 4


Durkheim mentions religion as a factor in the structure of a cohesive societal institution. A more laid-back attitude in relation to community would contribute to a lessened coercive power in relation to defining moral changes and obeying the rules. Include too the shifting attitude in most school systems. Subscribing to a focus on curriculum over a holistic education, which formerly included the teaching of, and rewards for, academic, spiritual/moral, social, and the emotional component of one's development has declined. This was a formerly well-defined cohesive group that by definition was less likely to resort to suicide. The changing attitude of this institution necessarily lessens some of the properties of the social structure thereby increasing the probability of suicide, especially in North America. When factoring in religion and the withdrawal of religion in the schools, an almost insistence that religion is a taboo subject can only lend itself as confusion within a system that has withdrawn support on a common ground, which leaves many children ignorant of the rules and some confused as to the lack of support of rules learned in the family but not reinforced in an institution that presents itself as vital to the development of a child and an architect of their overall ability to survive, in fact achieve, on their own because of the formation of their whole self, within this system.
When one factors in the call to independence that is espoused to today's youth, this aspect of development and cohesion with a group or groups that teach and support a form of dependence on one's goodness, competence, and intrinsic value, without a common and overall commitment to the above-mentioned, then it would be arguable that suicide is, in fact, not a particular message about the reaction of types of persons to certain types of situations but is, a 'social fact' in relation to a breakdown of societal institutions that lack the 'necessary' cohesion that will keep its' members safe.

*research on Durkheim garnered from Lewis A Coser, State University of New York at Stony Brook "Masters of Sociological Thought" 2nd ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
New York Chicago San Francisco Atlanta

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