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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

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Eventually, he looked at the lack of cohesion of specific religious groups and set aside the individual traits of religious believers. He was able to demonstrate that such group properties are independent of individual traits and consequently, need to be studied in their own right. What he did, was to examine different rates of behavior in specified populations and the characteristics of particular groups or changes in such characteristics.
In relation to suicide, a significant increase in a particular group indicates therefore, that the social cohesion in that group has been weakened and its members are no longer sufficiently protected against existential crisis.
In order to explain regular differential rates of suicide in various religious or occupational groupings, Durhheim studied the character of these groups. He also examined their characteristic ways of bringing about cohesion and solidarity among their members, deliberately overlooking the psychological traits or motives of the component individuals because of the variances.
Religious groups, some corporate groups as well as legal structures tended by their deliberate structure and insistence on cohesion demonstrated a low incidence of suicide. The structures that have high suicide rates all have in common a relative lack of cohesion or a condition of relative normlessness.
Rates, more than the specific incidence cooperated with a comparative analysis of various structures, which led him to conclude, in this procedure, that the general notion of cohesion or integration could account for a number of differing specific rates of suicide in a variety of group contexts. Groups, of course, differ in the degree of their integration. Some may have a solid hold on their individual members allowing an integration fully within their boundaries; while others may leave a great deal of leeway for individuals, within the group's structure.
Durkheim demonstrated that suicide varies inversely with the degree of integration. His claim was that a stronger integration of its' members, within the group, holds the individuals under its control. He claimed this was because people who are well integrated into a particular group are insulated to a greater degree, from the impact of frustrations and tragedies common to humans. Their integration renders them less likely to resort to extreme behaviors - that would include society's interpretation of 'extreme'. A more common mind-set lends itself to a support or pressure of its individual members, should one member be outside the structure's boundaries.
Individualism, therefore, lends itself to an increased propensity to opt for suicide when extreme stress is manifested in an individual. Not because the individual has a biologic propensity to suicide but because the lack of social structure is broken down in a particular area or areas.
Therefore, the controlling influence of society on individual propensities is no longer effective and individuals are left to their own devices - a state Durkheim dubbed 'anomie' a term referring to a condition of normlessness in a whole society OR in some of its component groups.

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