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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

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'Anomie' does not refer to a state of mind but to a property of the social structure. Within this context it is reasonable to turn one's mind to the 'dysfunctional society' and it's institutions as opposed to a biologic or generic dysfunction that leads an individual to suicide.
Considering the validity of Durkheim's theory, irrespective of whether one subscribes to it, one is impelled to consider the juxtaposition between higher divorce rates, single parent families, the call to constant geographic re-location, the number of changes in one's professions and occupations common in today's society with the steady rise in suicides of younger people - those under 25. There is obviously less interaction in a structure that would heretofore lend itself to direction and a coercion to obey the rules which would, in many establish a constancy even in dramatic change.
Perhaps the rise in male suicides could be included in this societal transformation. Among teens and those even younger it could be suggested that a lack of citizenship and a structured belief in God could well be a contributing factor in the breakdown of a cohesive society that would offer safety to a group in flux. Corporations that encourage flexible hours, work-at-home projects and an unstructured expectation of raises and benefits may also be a contributor.
A lack of predictability, structure, familiar rules and a pressure to obey them leaves one with the notion there are no rules. It lends an appearance of what we term 'dysfunction' when observed in our smallest institutions - the family. Obviously, not every person functions well without boundaries, structure and a support system that rewards obedience and applies a pressure for adherence to a team-like organization.
A dramatic increase of suicides in the teen to 25 year old range has increased with the aforementioned social phenomenon. Could there be a correlation between these 'social facts' and a steadily climbing suicide rate? It bears thought.

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