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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.




page 5

  ascertains that they have the right to be different - what McFadden calls “an individual”, they are better prepared to look objectively at another’s point of view as well, without falling victim to changing their mind in order to be accepted or possibly liked by others.
   “If, in fact, you can find a comfort level in accepting that not everyone will always like you, you can get on about the business of being yourself without deciding there is something wrong with you just because someone carries an opinion contrary to your own”.
   “It is inevitable”, she says, “that you will eventually meet someone with no taste or bad taste”. “Let that be their problem”, she advises. “If you don’t, you will have to turn into a chameleon to satisfy all the different tastes and interests that others have, not to mention - standards”.
   “Give yourself permission to be who you are and get on with developing your own perfection”, she encourages. “Use your own inner voice to determine an acceptable standard for yourself. You know the difference between right and wrong. Assess your own behavior and decide what best suits your goals, talents and ambitions for Self. Leave others to determine what they want to do about who you are. You also need to do the same with others. If they are not on your side, allow yourself the privilege of moving on and choosing a new job, friends, life-style, etc. Your decisions are always what you are left to live. The consequences or rewards will come back on you, so you don’t want anyone else to decide for you”.
   Overall, these ideas and strategies regarding disagreement are, at the least, worthy of some serious thought and consideration. They promise an expanded self-awareness and an opportunity to re-think old problems in a new light. After all, who of us could not benefit from brainstorming potential solutions to long-standing problems?


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