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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.




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alleges. “That is such an overriding habit”, she claims, “that most people complain of having the same old arguments repeatedly, without ever catching on to the fact that they fall into that pattern without realizing the role they play”.
   That makes it imperative that you know why you are disagreeing so that you are not seduced into discussing something else.
   Regardless of how enticing it is to respond to the person’s personal comments, McFadden claims it is in the best interest of both parties to identify the real issue immediately and agree to discuss nothing but that particular subject at the time.
   She recommends the when disagreement is evident, “Agree to focus on one thing at a time – and stick to the agreement. If not, you will find yourself going round and around the same argument repeatedly never resolving the real issue”.
   If the other person goes off topic, McFadden claims it is your responsibility to take them back to the real issue by merely repeating what it is and reminding that person that you are willing to stay with only that one issue, at present.
   “If necessary”, she says, “repeat, repeat, repeat until the person recognizes that you are not open to any other issue - at this time”.
   She claims that following this pattern in an effort to learn the techniques of effective disagreement can be frustrating during the learning process, but she promises it will save a lot of misery over time, eliminating a lot of the repetitious arguments that are a part of the life of most people.
   Interestingly, she also suggests you “give yourself permission to agree to disagree”
She claims that frustration peaks when people become invested in trying to convert the other person to their way of thinking or doing something. “Be willing”, she says, “to let each person have their own opinion”.
   “Your job”, she says, is to get clear and remain clear about your position. Once you determine that you are each committed to your own opinion and it is different, the wisest thing to do”, she claims, “is to then decide what you are going to do now that you know where you stand”. Let go of any notion to convert the other or to resist being converted to their way of thinking. Respect your right to your own opinion and transfer that respect to others.
   “You cannot make people change. All that you can do is decide what you will do in view of the present situation”. Wasting time arguing why you or the other person should change will only increase the frustration and keep you from the real issue”.
“Don’t go there”, she advises.
“The issue’, she says, “is not about being right”. The real issue is to be heard and hopefully, understood”. If you realize that that is not going to happen, step back, and suggest you leave the discussion to another time. It is fruitless to insist on being acknowledged when you know the other person is not open to the discussion. It is also fool-hardy to insist on getting your own way once it becomes evident the other is not willing. Tempers increase and rational talk decreases.
   As soon as you are aware that the frustration or anger is escalating call a “time-out”, she advises. Refuse to continue whenever you identify that either you or the other person is losing control of rational discussion or the view to finding a...

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