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Inside every hardened criminal beats the heart of a ten-year-old boy.

 Milhouse, knock him down if he's in your way! Jimbo, Jimbo, go for the face! Ralph Wiggum lost his shin guard! Hack the bone! Hack the bone!

Ah! the searing kiss of hot lead; how I missed you! I mean, I think I'm dying.

I have been shot eight times this year, and as a result, I almost missed work.

There's no such thing as a soul. It's just something they made up to scare kids, like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson.



Now lets all forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!

Hey, I don't need no advice from a pinball machine. I'll have you know, I wrote the book on love.

Be careful when we capture him! We cannot claim the reward unless we have 51% of the carcass.

Well, that's odd ... I've just robbed a man of his livelihood, and yet I feel strangely empty. Tell you what, Smithers - have him beaten to a pulp.
Mr. Burns

Smithers, for attempting to kill me, I'm giving you a five percent pay cut!
Mr. Burns


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