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broken heart quotes

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Don't say you love me unless you mean it,
because I might go and do something like BELIEVE it!!

Sticks and Stones may break you bones,
Aimed with angry art.
Words can sting like anything,
But silence breaks the heart.

If someone hurts you,
betrays you, or breaks your heart,
forgive them for they have helped
you learn about trust and
the importance of being cautious
to who you open you heart to.

The only man worth your tears won't make you cry.


The more I get to know males, the more I like dogs.


It's just weird, you know, when you have a picture of how something’s gonna be, and it turns out completely different.


As I sit awake and in the middle of the night,
I'm thinking of all the things I should have said before you left,
and maybe, just maybe, you'd still be here.

He's the cutest, sweetest, nicest, greatest, most romantic,
most insensitive jerk I have ever met.


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