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I love you for letting me feel what it's like to have everything,
But I hate you for letting me feel what it's like to LOSE everything.

You're so afraid to continue what we have, you know something's there,
you feel just as much as I do when you touch me,
you like it just as much as I do when you kiss me,
it's just you're pulling away now because you know that if you don't pull away soon you might find yourself falling in love
and I don't think you're prepared for that.

Letting go isn't a one time thing.
It's something you
have to do over and over again....everyday.

I always knew I'd look back on the days
I cried and laugh, but I never thought
I'd look back on the days I laughed and cry.


True love?
I used to believe it existed,
but when you've had your heart torn
and thrown on the floor, you just don't care anymore.

I want to scream. I want to shout.
I want to have faith and never doubt.
I want to bend, I want to break,
to sleep and never wake.
To break down walls and to escape,
be alone and hide my face.
I want to feel, I want to touch.
I want to stop wanting you so much.

Three things in life should never be broken: Toys, promises, and hearts.


He was the world to me, and I was nothing to him.


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