Cute Quotes 4
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A rich man's joke is always funny.
Thomas Edward Brown
The role of a comedian is to make the audience laugh, at a minimum of once
every fifteen seconds.
Lenny Bruce 1925-1966,
American Comedian
All my humor is based upon destruction and despair. If the whole world were
tranquil, without disease and violence, I'd be standing on the breadline right
in back of J. Edgar Hoover.
Lenny Bruce
Comedy is a tragedy plus time.
Carol Burnett American
Television Comedian
True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart. It is not
contempt; its essence is love. It issues not in laughter, but in still smiles,
which lie far deeper.
Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881,
Scottish Philosopher, Author
In the end, everything is a gag. Charlie
Chaplin 1889-1977, British Comic Actor, Filmmaker
Humor is always based on a modicum of truth. Have you ever heard a joke
about a father-in-law.
Dick Clark
People of humor are always in some degree people of genius.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
1772-1834, British Poet, Critic, Philosopher
Levity is often less foolish and gravity less wise than each of them
Charles Caleb Colton
1780-1832, British Sportsman Writer
A caricature is putting the face of a joke on the body of a truth.
Joseph Conrad 1857-1924,
Polish-born British Novelist
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