

Hey Speakers Promote yourself Now

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Never go to deliver a presentation empty-handed. I’m not talking about your company’s promotional products, but products for promoting your Self.  To start, remember that every personal marketing tool must be geared to your clients.   Demonstrate an “I’m here for you” attitude.  When you focus on delivery to others, your audience cannot help but want more. Focus on Self and people will tire of you quickly. You know how easy it is to spot a phony, and that is how you will come across if you are only out to serve your personal best interest and not that of your audience.   Make it easy for them to buy you. Make their search for a speaker (you) a pleasurable interchange that makes it clear you have their best interests at heart in offering your entire seminar and products. Continue to  demonstrate your enthusiasm for helping them, further into the presentation.

First of all, get prepared! You cannot sell from an empty wagon.  Carry a “Hire Me” package with you at all times. Before you hand out any of it, decide how you can help the company, group or person and then begin by talking to their ‘spirit’. That is, tell them what you just heard them say, and let them know what you have to offer along the lines of what they are seeking. Tell them directly what you have to offer for their benefit.

Be certain they have your business card. *Since the card is generally the first visual reminder you entrust to them, make certain it is quality; not too full, carries your “name, phone #, area of expertise, and the contact person. (an e-mail address prompts quick responses. A toll-free number is another added incentive). An answering machine for when you are not in the office; with your business message asking for their name, phone #, business name, reason for calling and a time you can return their call helps overcome time zones and missed calls when you are unavailable. It also offers an opportunity to look up their company and gain some insight about the business before you hook up with them.) Promise a return call within 24 hours and respond punctually.  If you don’t know anything about the company, remember that the internet is your resource and can help you avoid looking ignorant. Furthermore, the research will often provide a notion of what you might have to offer this particular organization or group. Be ready to address the “what I can do for you” that will help sell your services. If you have someone who takes your messages, have them look up the info for you and provide a little background that will demonstrate your interest and competence. You want to demonstrate to the best of your ability that you are keeping up to date with what is going on. Be sure to offer to send out your promotional package and ask if they have an area they particularly would like to address. Promise to give them a couple of topics in their area of interest and do just that.

If they are unclear and obviously fishing for info about you, tell them you will send out a full professional package for them to inspect and that you will call back in 4-5 days (state which) to see if they have received the package and to cover any questions or concerns they might want to address. Letting them know you are eager to serve their needs, and that you are dependable helps. You don’t want them looking for ways in which they might be able to use you. You want to tell them. It will benefit you dramatically.

When booked, or simply following up on leads, use a friendly, business-like professionalism to clearly identify you are eager to serve their needs/expectations. Give them the name and phone number of the person they can notify if they have any other reasons for wanting to communicate with you. If they call, follow up immediately.

Your preparedness, demonstrates your professionalism, and a sincere interest in their business. Being hard to reach or unavailable will always work against you. 




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