What are the Best Motivational Quotes?
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We have been compiling best motivational quotes for years, and we want to share them with you.
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Best Motivational Quotes
We know that motivating sayings have been around for centuries and the reason is simple. With a few seconds of your time you can give yourself a boost or inspire the courage to get up and get things done.
Fear and anxiety are ramped these days and many people are now, not only using drugs to stem their thoughts. But some brave souls are searching for simple little quotes that will help them to deal with the daily struggles we encounter and have to face on our own.
Quotes are a not only a great way to inspire yourself to do scary things they are also great for reciting in conversations to help you when communication is difficult for you. When you don’t know what to say. Sometimes reciting the wisdom of others is the best way to express yourself.
As a great public speaker you can also use quotes in your speeches to keep others interested in your speech. Being able to connect with your audience is paramount when delivering a great speech. Quoting the great thinkers and speakers thru out history can keep your listeners interested in what you have to say because they will connect with you thru a mutual philosophy.
Most people don’t really understand or value quotes for what they really are. They are a great way to connect with others. They even can sometimes transcend language differences. Most famous quotes have been translated into many different languages. And when you can share a quote with a person who does not speak the same language as you. Sometimes even tho, you may not understand exactly what the person has said, you can pick up the general point that the person is trying to convey even thou you don’t know the exact words mean, you understand the sediment.
I started a motivational quotes of the day website in 1999 and at one time had millions of people visiting my site every year. It was great to hear all the best feedback from people that would share with me, how the site had impacted their life. I did not know at the time I was building the Site how much impact it was really going to have. I mean I had hoped that people would come to the site. And I also wanted people to enjoy it. But what I didn’t realize was how much it was going to effect peoples lives and help to guide and to transform peoples lives.
People that were going thru difficult times that were suffering found some comfort in my site. Others that were kinda lost and looking for direction, found guidance.
I am truly amazed at how it effected people. and most of all I am so grateful that a little project of mine helped to change the world. Lets face it. The quotes that people share are words of wisdom. And I just took the information that the past great minds had uttered and I found a way to share them with the world. I am so grateful for my efforts and even tho none of the greatest quotes were mine, I know that it was my site that reached people when they were in need. This is the legacy that I leave and I will never be acknowledged for my role in the betterment of mankind. I mean really… Who knows who ever read my quotes, and what actions they moved forward with. Because I build a tiny insignificant website, not knowing it’s true reach.
I continue to this day with this website of best Motivational Quotes for employees hoping that somewhere and sometime someone will read the words that I have typed and that they use those words to change the world for the better.
So hey. If you ever change the world and can trace your actions back to one of the quotes that you read on one of my websites, please share the wisdom with others. Hell don’t wait. Click the share button now. And who knows where in the world your share might end up. And who you may inspire and maybe by you doing a simple share, it will reach the right person. And then YOU, in effect also change the world.
I may not always know exactly what to say to people but with the help of quotes from others I have been able to help, inspire, calm, educate and really be able to share with the world (yes over 180 countries) the little things that make us human. And in all, much better people.
I invite you to share not only these quotes with others but also to share this website with others.
After all whats better than sharing a great quote? Sharing an entire website of them.
Please show your support by clicking on the share button at the top or bottom of this page and any page that you choose. Yes you can click the share button on as many pages as you like.
One little side note. Not all of these quotes may be right for you. You may find some to be dumb and maybe even offensive. Please remember that i share these quotes with you in best faith and not in malice. Please enjoy.
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