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 presented by author / motivational speaker Nancy McFadden M.A.

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Most of us have heard expressions such as, “the Lord helps those who help themselves”, or “talking about it and not doing it are the same thing”. Usually, these comments are an irritant when directed at us personally. But what if you were to consider these statements in relation to your personal life today? As adults we all reach the place where we realize that having ambitions, dreams, education or training does not guarantee happiness. “Want” or “desire” are not all it takes to experience a happier life, more love, financial abundance, good health, constant travel opportunities or other imaginings of the ‘good life’.
Other people seem to be living our dreams. What, precisely, prevent us from achieving what many others appear to gain, effortlessly?
In this presentation, I would like to present what I believe are serious considerations that promise a new life to anyone serious enough to change their old way of thinking and are willing to “do” some personal adjusting within themselves.
Of course, whenever you want to experience change you need to start by acknowledging that change cannot occur unless YOU are willing to think and do something entirely different from your usual behaviors.
Begin by getting clear about what you really want. When I talk about getting clear, in this presentation, I am referring to the practice of stopping patterns of talking to yourself, thinking about yourself, or others, or deciding the outcome of your plans and desires before you even attempt to achieve them. In other words, you are being challenged to pay attention to the way you use your thinking and self talk to discourage yourself from attempting new behaviors that have the potential of making you a happier more satisfied person.
Wake up! Most people talk themselves out of being successful, all the while complaining they were discouraged by others. Be clear - others cannot influence your decisions unless you decide to give them the authority. This is precisely why you need to pay attention to how you handle the input of others and the pep talks you give yourself.
Everybody talks to himself or herself. “I look a mess”, “I’m going to the show tonight and nothing is going to stop me,” “I am asking that piker for a raise today or quitting my job if I don’t get it”, etc. We all have these self-conversations. However, few of us pay attention to what we are saying and the impact these self-messages have on us. You need to start paying more attention to how you talk to yourself. Take note of your negative messages and the fear-based statements that hold you back without ever allowing you to give yourself a chance to succeed at something you want for yourself.
Do not fall victim to saying things such as, “I know it isn’t apt to happen” or “I know this seems reasonable, but” and other such statements that immediately undermine your commitment to yourself. Use statements such as, “I am”, “I will” “I’m not stopping until…” and other types of messages that confirm to yourself that you are committed and don’t intend stopping until you succeed. It may sound hokey, however, you can and generally do stop your successes from happening right in the thinking stage before you ever take one deliberate step. Reassess you thinking style in order to poise yourself for success.


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