online casino gambling

Online Casino Gambling

This is a resource site for online casino gambling. We are not an online casino.






Online Casino Gambling Speech



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How does that help the compulsive gambler? Technically, it does not. However, it places the situation where it belongs: on the doer.  Each person is required to assess their own thoughts and behaviors, being brutally honest in owning the impact of their decisions, both on themselves and others. Thoughts and behaviors that prove themselves destructive in any capacity are the responsibility of the individual. Whenever society offers support or help for the misinformed or misguided it is an invitation or opportunity for the victim to gain back lost ground. HOWEVER, it is always up to them to seek or at least be willing to accept the help that is provided. Killing the grocer is not the solution - nor is boycotting the store or maligning online casino gambling. Affecting personal change is where its at.

    One's addiction is one's choice. The solution lies in owning this underlying truth and subsequently taking responsibility for healing the wrong thinking and choices that permitted the addiction to develop. The decision to succumb, as the decision to heal, lies with the wo/man in the mirror.

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Online Casino Gambling

This is a resource site for online casino gambling. We are not an online casino.