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 I don't like my hockey sticks touching other sticks, and I don't like them crossing one another, and I kind of have them hidden in the corner. I put baby powder on the ends. I think it's essentially a matter of taking care of what takes care of you.
Wayne Gretzky

The goal is too small and the goalies are too big.
Scotty Bowman

If we do not change our direction,
we are likely to end up where we are headed.

Ancient Chinese Proverb



The 10 top reasons why Hockey is so much better than sex.

1.    It's legal to play hockey professionally

2.    The puck is always hard.

3.    The protective equipment is reusable, and you don't even have to wash it.

4.    It lasts a full hour.

5.    You know you're finished when the buzzer sounds.

6.    Your parents cheer when you score.

7.    A two-on-one or a three-on-one is not uncommon.

8.    Periods last only 20 min.

9.    You can count on it at least twice a week.

10.                       You can tell your friends about it afterwards


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