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God is Love - I dare say,
But what a mischievous devil Love is!
 Samuel Butler


Oh, they loved dearly:
their souls kissed,
they kissed with their eyes,
they were both but one single kiss.
 Heinrich Heine


But to see her was to love her,
Love but her, and love for ever.
 Robert Burns


Lips only sing when they cannot kiss.
 James Thomsom



You say, me-wards your affection's strong:
Pray love me little, so you love me long.
 Robert Herrick


Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.
 Song of Solomon, 1:2


She who has never loved has never lived.
 John Gay


Is it so small a thing
To have enjoyed the sun,
To have lived light in the spring,
To have loved, to have thought, to have done?
 Matthew Arnold


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