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It's totally wiped out. ... It's devastating, it's got to be doubly devastating on the ground.

Surveying Hurricane Katrina flood damage from Air Force One

I can't wait to join you in the joy of welcoming neighbors back into neighborhoods, and small businesses up and running, and cutting those ribbons that somebody is creating new jobs.

If it were to rain a lot, there is concern from the Army Corps of Engineers that the levees might break. And so, therefore, we're cautious about encouraging people to return at this moment of history.

Bin Laden says his own role is to tell Muslims, quote, 'what is good for them and what is not.'



Wow! Brazil is big.

I think we are welcomed. But it was not a peaceful welcome.


As you can possibly see, I have an injury myself -- not here at the hospital, but in combat with a cedar. I eventually won. The cedar gave me a little scratch. As a matter of fact, the Colonel asked if I needed first aid when she first saw me. I was able to avoid any major surgical operations here, but thanks for your compassion, Colonel.

After visiting with wounded veterans


He was a state sponsor of terror. In other words, the government had declared, you are a state sponsor of terror.

On Saddam Hussein


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