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The buck stops with me, but I can tick off dozens of very good senior executives that are responsible for hundreds or thousands of people who work for me.
Rupert Murdoch


In this new wave of technology, you can't do it all yourself, you have to form alliances.
Carlos Slim Helu


I'm serious when I do my work. I'm not serious when I'm home with my kids.
Bill Gates


The winner is the chef who takes the same ingredients as everyone else and produces the best results.
Edward de Bono



Everyone experiences tough times, it is a measure of your determination and dedication how you deal with them and how you can come through them.
Lakshmi Mittal


A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.
Jeff Bezos


People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn't make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps.
Mary Kay Ash


We don't have as many managers as we should, but we would rather have too few than too many.
Larry Page


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