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The purpose of a liberal education is to make you philosophical enough to accept the fact that you will never make much money.

Author Unknown


A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in the students.

John Ciardi

If you have a college degree you can be absolutely sure of one thing... you have a college degree.

Author Unknown

Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or they didn't.

L.L. Hendren



A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.

W.H. Auden

Does college pay?  They do if you are a good open-field runner.

Will Rogers


The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend one's leisure.

Sydney J. Harris


A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.

Theodore Roosevelt


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