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All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man's estate, is the gift of education.

 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.


Here's a posy of flowers, and a basket too,
With Birthday greetings all for you.

- Annonymous




Sing a song of Birthdays
Full of fun and cheer
And may you keep on having them
For many a happy year.

- Anonymous


The first hundred years are the hardest.


Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again.


Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.


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Sayings are a great way to motivate yourself or others. When we use sayings in our dialogue or in presentations we show people that we have learned from the wisdom of others and that we believe in what we are saying. We're not just sharing our opinion, it is how others feel as well. So keep the wisdom of the past alive and recite some birthday-wishes sayings today.

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